20 day preliminary Notice - within 20 days after your commencing work.
Record Mech Lien - within 30 days of recorded notice of completion; or within 90 days if no notice of completion recorded for project.
File Lawsuit - within 90 days of recording mechanics lien.
20 day preliminary Notice - within 20 days after commencing ork.
Serve Stop Notice - within 30 days of recorded notice of completion; or within 90 days if no notice of completion recorded for project.
File Lawsuit- Within 90 - 120 days after time for lien expires (90, plus 30 (if NOC) or plus 90 days (if no NOC)).
20 day preliminary Notice - within 20 days after your commencing work.
Record Lien/Provide notice to surety - within lien period.
File Lawsuit - Within 6 months after project completion.
20 day preliminary Notice - within20 days after commencing work.
Serve Stop Notice - within 30 days of notice of completion/acceptance; or 90 days if no recorded notice of completion
File Lawsuit - Within 90 days after end of stop notice filing Period ( 90 days, plus 30 days if notice of completion, or plus 90 days if no notice of completion)
1a. 20 day preliminary Notice - within 20 days after commencing work, OR
1b. BOND NOTICE within 15 days after notice of completion recorded, or 75 days after actual completion.
File Lawsuit within 6 months after expiration for time to file stop notice – ( 6 months plus 90 days).